Scenery Hotfix

Tracks - The Train Set Game

Jump into the ultimate toy sandbox and build the train set of your dreams! Create colourful railway systems, decorate beautiful towns, transport commuting passengers, and even ride your train in first-person.

[h3]17th December 2020:[/h3][list][*] Removed the faulty speed cap when using ramps or falling [*] Improved how the train behaves at very high speeds [*] Fixed the Speed Check and Train Start Point sometimes getting stuck in the world [*] Fixed trains moving slower when they are off screen [*] Fixed cloning a save potentially overwriting a previous clone of it [*] The gamepad control menu now shows an Xbox Controller instead of a Switch Joycon [*] Added some missing Level of Detail meshes [*] Added an arrow to House Lights so you know which side is the front [*] Fixed distant Barns not always having the correct custom colours [*] Fixed an issue with loading tracks in passenger mode [*] Fixed newly created passengers not walking to existing Platforms in passenger mode [*] Fixed a piece of furniture's collision in Modern Apartment[/list] [h3]11th January 2021:[/h3][list][*] Fixed various issues with the Start Point [*] Improved passenger mode UI [*] Fixed an issue with bonsai trees[/list]