Alone in the forest glade he shared with his wife, a woodworker struggles to accept her passing. Help him hold on to cherished memories of their life together as he struggles to care for himself and his now empty home. Pine is a single-serving game focused on telling a beautiful, emotional tale.
A digital convention hosted on Steam, [][b]LudoNarraCon[/b][/url] celebrates innovation in story-rich games with the developers and communities that drive them (that’s you!). There will be hours of content, lots of never-before-played demos, and sales to showcase the best in the indie narrative scene!
[b]We are excited to share that Pine: A Story of Loss will be an exhibitor with a stream and debut demo![/b]
Alone in the forest glade he shared with his wife, a woodworker struggles to accept her passing. Help him hold on to cherished memories of their life together as he struggles to care for himself and his now empty home. Pine is a single-serving game focused on telling a beautiful, emotional tale.
For more information, visit[b] [url=][/url][/b] and [url=][b]subscribe to the newsletter[/b][/url] so you’re notified once LudoNarraCon kicks off!