SAMURAI REBOOT! A brand new SAMURAI SHODOWN game takes aim for the world stage!

Hey Samsho fans! We're excited about Samurai Shodown's latest major patch because it contains some improvements that we feel will make a big impact with the community. First, the long-awaited intro skip has been implemented! Gone are the days where you have to sit through the character's lengthy (but interesting!) intros before starting the fight. A simple button press can now skip all that so you can get right to the action! Next, Samurai Shodown now features a decoupling technique which makes lower performing PCs play better online! The game's logic and framerate have been "decoupled" meaning they are not essentially tied together. What that means is that in the case where there are FPS drops, the game's logic (ie: button response times) are processed normally without also being dragged down. The added benefit of this technology is it greatly reduces the lag between two players playing on hardware with a big difference in specs. Finally, this update features multiple fixes and improvements: * Fixed Amakusa's orb disappearing during jumping attacks * Fixed VFX error with Mina's arrow trail incorrectly drawing during online play * Fixed Kazuki's missing fire VFX when disarmed by weapon flipping technique * Fixed Kazuki's weapon VFX snapping from previous position to current location after weapon disarm. * Fixed game soft locking if players repeatedly pressing round restart button during online training * Fixed VFXs incorrectly ending early during online matches * Reduces performance spikes on rollback * Fixed problem of spectators causing deadlocks with Shizumaru charging his down pour attack between rounds