“SAMURAI MAIDEN” Over 50,000 units sold worldwide!

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42719273/eb9d41b0e3343141887d37a6e6838975e2bdb54a.jpg[/img] We are pleased to announce that “SAMURAI MAIDEN” has sold over 50,000 units* worldwide! Many thanks to all “SAMURAI MAIDEN” fans around the world!!! “SAMURAI MAIDEN” is now available at a discount of [b]10% OFF[/b] the usual price until December 15th, 10AM (PST). Don’t miss this wonderful opportunity! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1952250/ *The total number of both physical and digital sold in Japan and Asia regions, plus the digital version sold in other regions (US and EU territories) and the Steam version.