..." inertia> ..." inertia> ..." inertia> Sam & Max Hit The Road is a sparkling gem that no longer fits into modern settings | Sam & Max Hit the Road | Gamehypes

Sam & Max Hit The Road is a sparkling gem that no longer fits into modern settings

Sam & Max Hit the Road

Grab your nightstick, squeal like a siren, and Hit the Road with Sam & Max, Freelance Police, as they attempt to crack their toughest case.

As I continue my coughogeddon-inspired journey into comfort gaming, my next intended destination was Day Of The Tentacle. I’ve always loved it, ever since my dad bought me the prism-shaped box it so ridiculously came in. I’ve replayed it so many times, most recently last year four years ago when the Remastered version came out. (FOUR YEARS?) I adore it. But as I started it up, and started solving the puzzles before they were introduced, swapping in left-handed hammers to reverse statues in rooms I’d not even visited, saying lines before they were delivered, I realised perhaps I’ve reached the maximum number of plays a game can have? Uh-oh. So I pulled the emergency cord and booted up Sam & Max: Hit The Road.
