S&G 1.3 Patch Note

Sex & Gun VR

"Grab your weapon and experience a fast paced gun fight game with interactive sex, driven by a crazy story : "The Rise of RoboCock".

[b]Status of the hotfix :[/b] Live! Hello everyone ! [h1]Hotfix today : [/h1] * The Laser Sight now follows well the gun without problem and also stay's after respawn. * The UI Pointer on the hand is always there, it was sometime disappearing. * Yard Map, more bright * Last boss bugged effect fixed * Woman fix in the lab (cloth/hair) * Some few code optimization for perf * Elevator Button in Office works correctly * Light fix in the office * Character's Dialogue pushed back a little * BJ scene progression was bugged in house (fixed) Please note that I'm also actively working on optimizing the game, got my hand on a lower spec computer and I'm doing my best to make the game work on it. Thank you all for your support ! [b] Special Thanks to wolf for his active testing ! :D[/b] Don't hesitate to ask me for a fix/ something you like/dislike... :)