Russian translation + the upcoming release of The Fairy’s Secret

The Fairy's Song

A yuri / lesbian visual novel set in the UK. Marnie, a bored goth girl, accidentally stumbles upon a sleeping female knight in the forest. Together, the pair must work to break a centuries-old curse, while romantic feelings between them begin to grow.

Hi everyone! I’m writing this update to let you know that [i]The Fairy’s Song[/i] has been translated into Russian by the very talented (and very hard-working) Mikhail "KornyPony" Burov-Kosolapin, who’s translated a few of my other VNs into Russian over the last few months: [url=][i]Dreamy Planet[/i][/url] and [url=][i]The Mermaid of Zennor[/i][/url] among them. This newest update also fixes a handful of typos found in the English script, and it also fixes a few sprite placement errors which occurred when the game was in skip mode. Now, the sprites should always display where they’re supposed to, and they should never be misaligned! If you find more typos in this build of the VN, or if you run into any errors (especially ones involving achievements, as they seem particularly prone to breaking after new builds are pushed out), please let me know! I’ll try to get everything fixed in as timely a manner as I’m able! Oh, and while I’m here, I’ll also let you know I’ve been working a sequel to [i]The Fairy’s Song[/i] called [i]The Fairy’s Secret[/i]. [i]The Fairy’s Secret[/i] was recently been approved for release on Steam, so I’m hoping to get it all wrapped up and released by the 13th of February. I hope you’re all looking forward to reading more about Marnie and Lisbeth’s adventures! If you’re interested, please consider wishlisting [i]The Fairy’s Secret[/i] here, so Steam will notify you when it releases: Thank you very much for your continued support! It’s very much appreciated! - ebi x