Rush Respawn Update - Hotfix 1


X8 is the next generation Hero Shooter, FREE to PLAY (and crossplay) everywhere! Executing its directive to assemble worthy opponents, the rogue mod X8 has collected characters from across different games. Engage in 5v5 VR battles and restore a path back to their worlds!

Thank you for playing X8! A super small update coming your way to fix some issues. If you have been enjoying the game, please consider leaving us a review on the Steam store page, we'd really appreciate it! Update changes include: [h2]Features[/h2] [list] [*] Added map descriptions while teleporting the Demolition map [*] Updated banners in the Main Menu [*] New featured skins on the way! [/list] [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed Killfeed blocks player's vision on Quest 3 [*] Fixed grip misplacement for some of the Warden skins when grabbed with Left hand [*] Fixed several spectator-related issues [*] Fixed multiple crashes [/list] [h2]Balancing[/h2] [h3]Weapon Balancing[/h3] [list] [*] Renegade [list] [*] Extended falloff ranges [0-15m, 15-25m, 25m+ >> 0-15m, 15-30m, 30m+] [*] Increased body damage by range [22/18/16 >> 24/19/16] [*] Increased headshot multiplier [2.5 >> 3] [/list] [*] Scorpion [list] [*] Reduced cost [1200 >> 1100] [/list] [*] Vizor-MP [list] [*] Adjustments to recoil and spread [/list] [/list] [h3]Game Balancing[/h3] [list] [*] Increased climbing completion speed [/list] [h2]Known Issues[/h2] [list] [*] Taking off the HMD may cause the client-side crash. Please try not to take off your HMD while in game [*] Still a couple crashes we're working on fixing [*] In Tutorial, the Match Start popup appears every after-section [*] Sarai's Nanobaster may not heal the allies. We are investigating the cause [/list] **Please be advised that players on an older game version will no longer have access to the online servers until you update your game. Thank you for your patience while we build a better game with your help! Join us on Discord! Download X8 here! πŸ“Œ Meta: πŸ“Œ Steam: