A space survival open world terraforming crafting game, designed for 1 to 10 players. Alter the ecosystem of an inhospitable planet to render it habitable for humanity. Survive, gather resources, and build your base. Then, generate oxygen, warmth, and pressure to create a brand new biosphere.
Hello Terraformers!
We've just uploaded a small patch on the main branch.
You need to restart Steam to get it.
[b]For people playing multiplayer make sure everyone has the same version, if in doubt restart Steam.[/b]
This update mainly fixes bugs, improve performances and balance some content.
[b]V 1.212 : Changelog [/b]
[*] Invert mouse and sensitivity options are now applied to vehicle controls
[*] Prevent vehicle equipment to be equipped on the player
[*] Increased visual size of vehicle equipment box
[*] Fixed an issue making materials to be corrupted when switching tools while constructing an object
[*] Fixed an issue preventing to use IPv6 addresses when connecting to a game via IP
[*] Fixed issues with sitting position on sofas
[*] Now foundations colliders are disabled after disabling vehicle physics
[*] Reduced animals sounds distance
[*] Updated the main menu UI with the DLC announcement
[*] Various environment fixes
[h2]Stay in the loop[/h2]
As always, don't miss any informations about Planet Crafter and Miju Games :
[*] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/developer/MijuGames][b]Follow us on Steam[/b][/url]
[*] [url=https://mijugames.com/pages/planetcrafter/subscribe.html][b]Subscribe to our newsletter[/b][/url]
[*] [url=https://www.youtube.com/c/MijuGamesStudio]follow us on youtube[/url] and on [url=https://twitter.com/MijuGames]twitter[/url]
[*] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/theplanetcrafter/]Join the official reddit[/url]
[*] [url=https://kidkatana.ffm.to/planetcrafter-ost]Listen to Planet Crafter soundtrack[/url]
[b]See you soon, and good terraforming! [/b]
Brice for Miju Games