Welcome to the Training Day on Mars! In this free version of our advanced simulator you will learn everything you need to know about repairing and maintaining Mars Rovers.
[h1]Dear Martians![/h1]
1. We’ve reached 10k people on [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/864680]Rover Mechanic Simulator Community Group[/url], which means that you’ll be able to fix the radio in the main game, which unlocks the possibility to put your own music into the game!
2. We've also added the [b]Tablet Printer Skill[/b] - so now you can request parts printing directly from your tablet in [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/864680/Rover_Mechanic_Simulator/]Rover Mechanic Simulator[/url] (if you unlock this skill):
3. But that’s not all! We’ve set [b]our second Community Challenge[/b] goal at 10 100 people, so we are also adding [b]Part Damage Visualisation[/b] to [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/864680/Rover_Mechanic_Simulator/]Rover Mechanic Simulator[/url]!
Thank you for your support, you’re amazing!
Now it’s time to reach the next goals! It is up to YOU how far we get :)
[b]The third goal will be the ability to fix Ingenuity - our Mars Helicopter![/b]
[b]Here’s how to join the Steam Community Group:[/b]
[olist] [*] Enter [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/864680/Rover_Mechanic_Simulator/]Rover Mechanic Simulator store page[/url] and choose “Community Hub” over the logo and game description.
[*] Choose “Follow” on [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/864680]RMS Community[/url] main window on top. [/olist]
Remember that our[url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/864680/announcements/detail/1819957482663680282] Big Curiosity Rover Update[/url] is also coming very soon! As NASA prepares to launch the next Mars Science Laboratory to Mars, we are preparing to launch the long-awaited Curiosity Update, which will double the current playtime.
Stay tuned, stay safe and see you on Mars!
Rover Mechanic Simulator Team