Rooks Keep Status Report

Rooks Keep

Rooks Keep is an arena-based, melee combat game. A variety of game-modes, characters, maps and mutators are available. It also has Chess modes, mod support and decapitation!

Hi everyone! First up, we apologize for the lack of updates, and general announcements about progress made on Rooks Keep. Recently we've been pretty heavily tied up with other things, such as Admin work, Viscera Cleanup Detail updates, very unforgiving Mac support challenges, Rooks Keep dedicated server issues, etc. As it stands, our small team of 3 has been reduced to 2, as the third has been heavily inundated with admin work for a while. Nonetheless, we've made some progress. The latest version of Rooks Keep (v1.07) fixes a stubborn problem with the server browser that's been causing crap. We also have a Dedicated Server setup now, so anyone can join at any time. It still has some issues, but we're looking into those. Going forward we'll be adding achievements to Rooks Keep, releasing it from the clutches of Early Access, and hopefully getting some more players in-game. We'd like to get Rooks Keep to support Mac as well, but realistically it's a gamble at this point, so time will tell. Thank you, and keep slaying those pawns!