Rollback because of Storymode bugs.

CASE 2: Animatronics Survival

CASE 2: Animatronics Survival is a horror game that is available in two modes. Online mode lets one or more players take on the role of animatronics, ready to crush everyone and everything. The other three are survivors. How did this happen? You’ll have to find out!

Hello Everyone, If you're wondering, yes, we rolled back the version due to feedback about strange bugs in the story mode. As for the multiplayer content, don’t worry—it’s not gone! It has been moved to a separate branch. To access it, switch to the Beta branch and select "new-multiplayer". The "new-multiplayer" branch will continue receiving the latest patches until the story mode issues are resolved. Once fixed, the multiplayer content will return to the default branch, and the "new-multiplayer" branch will be removed. Thank you for your patience and understanding!