Roll7 announces NEW Multiplayer Action Title – Laser League!


OlliOlli mixes addictive one-life gameplay with over 120 tricks and grinds across 50 deviously crafted levels, 250 Challenges, Spots Mode and Daily Grind.

[b]WE MADE A NEW THING![/b] A multiplayer thing with more lasers and neon lights than you can shake a stick at. [h1]WHAT IS LASER LEAGUE?![/h1] [i]In Laser League, the exhilarating, high-octane contact sport of 2150, players battle against the opposition for control of nodes that bathe the arena in deadly light. Evading rival colored beams, teams attempt to fry their opponents with speed, strength and strategy. Special offensive and defensive abilities, as well as game-changing power-ups on the arena floor, provide an edge at the crucial moment. Like all great sports, it is accessible and immediately understandable, but rewards dedication with deceptively complex strategic possibilities.[/i] Interested? We hope so, as we’re going to need your help in the [b]Laser League BETA![/b] At [b]Roll7[/b] we are extremely greatful for the love and support our fans have shown us over the years from [b]OlliOlli, OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood and NOT A HERO[/b] - and we hope you’ll join the fight with us on our next venture. What are you waiting for?! [b]ENLIST FOR THE LASER LEAGUE BETA NOW:[/b] Join the Forums and add to your wishlist here: Your feedback will be crucial to sculpting and cultivating the sport of the future and we’d love you along for the journey… Thank you!