Break the Game

This game is about Kevin, He's been stuck in his gaf̶̨s̨fẃ̵̕ HEY, YOU, STAY AWA̸̧͘Y, IT'S ME KEVIN, THERE'S NO POINT, D҉Ò̷̕N̸̕͏'T-- Follow him in this adventurous and humor-filled story to d̶̢͙̟̦̺̰̫̙̋̊͐̐͑͋̈́̕̕͝ die

Hello everyone, Simon here, Hope you all are doing well! I'm super excited to announce my next game; [b]ROBOBEAT![/b] [h3]Description[/h3] [i]Rouge-lite, fast-paced. Stuck in an ever-changing mansion created by an insane showman. To escape, you have to captivate the audience. Feel the beat.[/i] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31019375/66d9b9344e9c0ae4768e609ddfcc777248f26547.png[/img] [h3]Release[/h3] I'm aiming to release the game at the end of this year. Sometime before then, I will open the BETA. You can sign up on the steam page if you want. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/31019375/5dc534de4cbe7311432266eeb805464ae2b45038.png[/img] I know it's quite far away from Break the Game in terms of genre and gameplay. But I know some of you will like It! If you got any questions about anything, please message me on twitter: [url=]@FredholmSimon[/url]