
Stel is a spaceship action-adventure game with procedurally generated elements. Fight dangerous foes, improve your ship and explore the different levels to decipher a mysterious problem, the Quantum are disappearing...

The Early Access launch will bring many new features. Below is a list to identify what's coming. [list] [*] A new chapter of the story [*] A challenge mode introducing new and diverse runs [*] Over 6 different stage designs [*] 13 entirely different bosses [*] More items and more enemies [*] 3 new levels to Stelmap [*] No-hit rooms (secret rooms 🤪 ) [*] Improvement of Stelmap with more paths [*] New game modes: [olist][*]Survivor mode [*]Hardcore mode [*]Extra life mode[/olist] [*] More playable ships:[olist][*]Bounty Hunter [*]Gloria [*]Dragonfly [*]Interceptor [*]¿secret?[/olist] [/list] It is expected that the Early Access will be launched by the end of the year 2023. This date is an approximation and may be moved forward or delayed depending on the development time. We have no restrictions when it comes to adding new features since there's no publisher or editor behind us; development is entirely free and independent. The intention is to add content without any kind of limitations. Any wild idea is allowed, and we will explore if it's possible to implement. You can contact us, share ideas, and provide feedback at any time in the Stel Discord community. Feel free to join and participate in making a better game!