Ritual: Crown of Horns - current status and the future

Ritual: Crown of Horns

Ritual: Crown of Horns is a violent, horde mode, top-down fast-paced action game set in an alternate Wild West, an absurd, acid-fueled vision of hellish frontier.

Dear Ritual fans, how are you? You might've noticed that it's been quite silent lately when it comes to build updates and new content. We'd like to give you reasons on why this happens and what we're planning to do in the final version of the game, launching in Q4 this year on PC and Nintendo Switch. I hope that you'll feel more updated and comfortable, knowing what's going on. When we started Early Access, we hoped that we will the privilage of working with a large group of dedicated players, whose feedback would prove priceless for a small indie team like ours. Unfortunately that was not the case. The popularity of Ritual: Crown of Horns appeared not as big we hoped it will. Still, we managed to build a small, but very helpful group of huge fans, thank to whom we managed to collect extremely valuable feedback. Many suggestions you gave will be implemented in the final version. We had a tough choice to make: either keep adding small pieces of content to constantly update the Early Access version, or focus on making the game the best we can when it launches. We decided to redo large chunks of the game in response to the feedback we received. Hence we decided to focus on developing the game and stopped uploading new iterations of playable build to focus solely on work instead of optimising the performance of Early Access version. As a result we have compiled a list of confirmed features, which are or will be implemented into the game when it launches. Here's the list: [olist] [*]The structure of the game has been changed: after completing the tutorial, the player is granted access to the whole map of the US. It's up to the player to choose one of three available directions and unlock further stages as they see fit. After completing the map, the player receives one of three awards: a weapon, a spell or a set of items to purchase. Spells and weapons become available immediately in the inventory hub. To unlock items, the player needs to spend a special currency, which is granted for completing challenges presented by the Trickstress. [*]A complete Story Mode: the story is significantly altered and complete. The relationships between characters that have been drafted in the Early Access are now developed into a new direction. The central plotline involving the main antagonist is now available. [*]New types of enemies and improvements on the old enemies - currently we have 19 types of enemies (Early Access version offers 9). [*]More maps: currently we have 35 maps, including 29 gameplay-oriented maps and 6 maps dedicated primarily to pushing the storyline forwards. 26 maps out of 35 can be repeated in the Challenge Mode. [*]We have added a lot of elements diversifying gameplay, such as special events related to the witch (she calls down meteorites, enchants the floor to hurt monsters and the player, sets up portals / teleports, modifies transparent walls) and a few significant surprises: a map with lots of cactuses which deal damage, a map with a damaging pentagram or a unique final battle against the main enemy. [*]Weapons and spells have been tweaked. We have added an important feature: weapons which aren’t used by the protagonist at given moment are being reloaded automatically, which makes gameplay faster and more fluid. [*]The way items work has been changed. Currently we have 42 items, modifying weapons, spells and protagonist's parameters. Instead of altered value percentages, the player now receives certain buffs, such as greater weapon range, bigger damage dealt by a spell or more souls at the beginning of the game. [*]The Challenge Mode is now available separately from story maps. Each of 26 maps offer three challenges out of unique 40+ pool of challenges. [*]Additional music: unique, heavy metal soundtrack is expanded with around 15 original tracks. [*]An entirely new tutorial. [*]Completely new gameplay UI, as well as revamped and perfected hub UI plus fully working support for mouse (point and click, drag and drop), keyboard and pad. [*]All the interactions in the hub have been optimized. Almost every action in every menu panel takes less steps to execute. [*]TO BE IMPLEMENTED - as a patch: Real-World Data Mode, working as a Daily Challenge Mode - the player draws three maps from the basic version of the game and one of several available negative character modifiers. If the player successfully completes this map sequence, they will be awarded with one of several unique items, not available in the basic version of the game. [/olist] We have also prepared a new gameplay trailer (and, at the same time, Nintendo Switch announcement trailer), which already presents several changes enumerated above. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz0O8nlkipk&t We do hope that you'll understand our approach and we'll be enjoying your support all the way to the successful release. We're alway open for your feedback and comments. Please share your opinions below! Thank you! Best, Jacek @ Draw Distance development team