Rise of the Triad 20th Anniversary Sale!

The Apogee Throwback Pack

The Apogee Throwback Pack is a collection of four classic Apogee Software titles all in one kick ass package. Blast your way across the galaxy as British Special Agent Blake Stone in "Aliens of Gold" and "Planet Strike", then take on an ancient evil menace as the H.U.N.T in "Rise of the Triad".

[img]http://i.imgur.com/NQZnduA.png[/img] As many of you Oscuridos know, last week marked the 20th Anniversary of the full, resgistered and [b]LUDICROUS[/b] version of ROTT '95. An occassion we are marking this week by taking [b]75% OFF[/b] both the original 1995 cult classic and the shiny new 2013 version of ROTT :Gib: http://store.steampowered.com/app/217140/ http://store.steampowered.com/app/238050/ 20 years [b]sounds[/b] like a long time, but as El Oscuro said himself... [i]"Time flies when you're making games!"[/i] :Ankh: [img]http://i.imgur.com/UuzeDta.png[/img] So here's to [b]BIG[/b] sales, [b]BIG[/b] guns, [b]LUDICROUS[/b] gibs and 20 more years of ROTT! :Triad: :D: