Rise of Insanity on Nintendo Switch

Rise of Insanity

In Rise of Insanity, as a doctor of psychology you will explore the darkest recesses of the human mind. Overcome your fear to find the truth behind the tragedy that has befallen your family.

Rise of Insanity for the Nintendo Switch will finally be released TODAY (February 13th 2020) thanks to a new partnership formed between Red Limb Studios and Pineapple Works (porting house/publisher) in late 2019. NS version of Rise of Insanity will be sold in one part like Steam version. Graphic even adapted to technical requirements of Nintendo Switch still is stunning and breathtaking. [previewyoutube=_CkTNv1XpoU;full][/previewyoutube] You can find Rise of Insanity on Nintendo under this link -> https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/rise-of-insanity-switch/