Rift Racoon update v1.6 is now available!

Rift Racoon

Rift Racoon is an intense precision platformer about a lost racoon with a fun abillity: teleportation! Teleport through dangerous traps, use your claws to climb walls and jump your way across difficult platforming levels with retro visuals!

Hey! Marcos here, bringing you another Rift Racoon update! It was a simple one this time. First, a few bugs were fixed on the coyote time and jump anticipation systems, explained in the previous update. They were working, but not at all times. Second, a little change was made on level 3-14. There was a bit in the middle that was waay too frustrating. There were two spikes set on a running machine. It was way too tricky. I moved the first spike closer to the other, so you'll have more breathing room. Thanks for playing Rift Racoon! Hope you're having fun!