Odysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest (Complete Season)

What do you do if you are the only one left aboard a spaceship? Your team has embarked on a mysterious expedition a few years ago, the ship’s machinery has started acting up and it seems there are ghosts wandering about. Luckily, the black hole above you doesn’t pose any problems…yet.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/30616450/8ffdea8016b482c248b62a63d54a419f80352e81.png[/img] Dear friends! The Summer Steam Sale is going to end tomorrow, and we hope you’ve spent this time effectively and were able to drain your wishlists =D This also means it’s time to sum up the creative contest we were running lately. Seems like @crimsonknight52 became an absolute leader according to our community, and we are happy to congratulate him on winning the old school postcards! To collect your reward please provide us with your shipping address by sending it to our representative (jane@herocraft.com). If you haven’t won -- don’t be sad! We will have more cool contests in the future. Have a great day and enjoy your games =)