Repent Demo v2.0 and more!


Robert Watford, a retired cop with a troubled past, starts his first day as a night shift guard which unbeknown to him, would directly implicate him into a series of paranormal events revolving around a secretive cult with evil intentions.

Greetings!. First we wanted to thank everyone who tried the demo or wish listed the game in the past weeks, reception of the demo has been overall very positive. The team has been hard at work over the past weeks working on improvements for the Demo of Repent!. We got the chance to look at the gameplay of a few of you that streamed and recorded Repent over the last week, and identified various systems that needed improvements. Today we uploaded the V2.0 of the demo which includes many changes, some of the highlights are: [list] [*] Added a short tutorial. [*] Revamped the main event in the first day. [*] Greatly increased the speed of Daily tasks. [*] Added a puzzle skip in the second day. [*] Many other fixes and smaller improvements. [/list] We feel this version to be more representative of the final version of Repent, so if you haven't tried the demo or weren't impressed by it, we suggest giving it a second chance!. That's it for the time being, we hope to share with you the full release date soon, we are still on track for Q3 of this year.