
Hey, everyone! Considering the very positive reception of the idea on Discord, i'm implementing a [b]reload system[/b] for all the weapons. It wasn't there from the beginning, deliberately, to give EMPTY SHELL more of a "Quake" vibe, but the game is shaping up in a way that a reload system would fit nicely. Some weapons (most of them) will work with [b]mags[/b], others (like the shotgun and the hunting rifle in the prologue, for example) will have [b]single round[/b] reload (with a finite number of maximum rounds in the internal magazine). [b]Dodging, aiming, or melee strikes will interrupt the action[/b], so keep a distance when reloading. Also, [b]reloading won't be automatic[/b] (shooting with an empty weapon with spare ammo won't reload), so keep an eye on the ammo counter!