Relive: Update 1


Relive is a free sci-fi adventure game about CPR. Its main purpose is to increase the awareness about this topic and encourage people to take a CPR class and be prepared to intervene in case of need. Discover the story and challenge your friends in tournament mode!

Hello everyone, we just released a small update to address some issues you reported: [list] [*]Fixed the achivement "Save the Devs" [*]Fixed a couple of glitches that allowed players to fall trough the game map [*]Fixed some inconsistent inventory icons [*]Fixed alignment issues in the credits [/list] This is a non-profit, esperimental project to increase the awareness on CPR. You can support us by providing feedback and by telling your friends about this game. Also, if you want to help us with updates and maintainance, please consider checking out one of our [url=]commercial games[/url].