幻想四倍剣^2 悔悟棒の謎 / GensoYonbaiKen^2

A fangame of Touhou Project. 残機制という独自の体力システムが特徴。20人以上のキャラからパーティを組んで戦いを進めよう。

[h1]update[/h1] [list] [*] Improve UI. [*] Impact sounds were played when attacks were missed. [/list] Ver1.1.1 is beta release. If this version doesn't contain bugs, it will be out of beta after a while. [h1] how to get this version[/h1] [olist] [*] right-click GensoYonbaiKen2 in you library. [*] open property. [*] select ver1_1_1 in beta tag. [/olist] if something is wrong, restart steam client. [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32088170/cece2cd5db1b7df8666d55b78f8a6947323c36f7.png[/img] You can see version in the title.