Release notes - The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark update 2.66.1626.10

The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark

Delouse your room with sage and pack up your travel-sized ouija board, it’s time to re-enter Twin Lakes - America’s 34th most haunted city. Join Detective McQueen as he puzzles his way through 9 chilling cases, risking life and pixelated limb to solve the macabre mysteries that plague the poor town.

[h2]Release notes - The Darkside Detective: A Fumble in the Dark update 2.32.1295.10815 [/h2] [list] [*] The audio filter applied on the pause/options menu in game carrying over when exiting a case. [*] The ‘loading’ music having a muffled sound to it. [*] PlayStation Controllers Set up having some of the wrong button images on PC Platforms [*] Press to Start Screen not detecting PlayStation Controllers until after input on PC Platforms [*] Dialogue repeating every time you visit a certain Screen [*] Strange issue with the Screens being cut off [*] Brightside: Bits Box Interactivity Issue [*] D-Pad occasionally not working in the Main Menus [*] PS5 Controller not working on most PC Platforms [*] Pause being enabled during Black Screen Transitions [*] Some issues with the Interrogation Minigame and Bits Box Minigame [*] Small issue with the wrong Hotspots sometimes being layered on top in the Bits Box Minigame [*] Being able to place the Figurines anywhere using the Pause Menu on the Final Minigame [*] Brightside: None of the correct combinations working in the Interrogation Minigame [*] Case 6: Not being able to progress past Screen Shakes [*] Clicking "Continue Investigation" on any of the 9 Cases causes the first Scene of the Case to briefly flash on Screen before loading the correct Scene [*] PS4 Controller Image not showing when using a PS5 Controller on PC Platforms [*] Computer Cursor staying on Screen until the In-Game Cursor appears [/list]