Hi everyone!
First of all, thank you for your patience and support since Reigns: Three Kingdoms launched earlier in the year. Your reports and feedback have been invaluable, helping us improve the game and allowing us to focus on some of the most requested features and QOL changes in this latest update.
Reigns: Three Kingdoms Update #2 comes with Achievement support. Unlock 16 of them on your quest to unite China. Also included is a handful of quality of life improvements like tweaked menu navigation with KB/M and controller configurations, and more.
Previously reported issues with the game logic have been addressed in our [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/2437040/announcements/detail/3966049540921763018]January 19 update[/url], but please let us know if you experience any similar issues again.
Happy Swiping,
[h2]Reigns: Three Kingdoms Update #2 Changelog[/h2]
[*] Unlock 16 achievements on your quest to unite China.
[b]Improved menu navigation[/b]
[*] Scroll wheel can now be used in the compendium
[*] Smooth navigation of the user profile when using a controller
[*] Closing dropdowns using B doesn’t also perform the back action
[*] After previewing a card in the Hero Gallery, the position that the player scrolled to is retained
[*] When using arrow keys to scroll the compendium, the scroll bar follows the position correctly
[b]Improved visual fidelity[/b]
[*] Reduction in pixelation on some cards and UI elements