Rebuilding is making good strides.

RTAG rise

Die, Respawn, Try again. RTAG rise is a rage inducing, "get from point A to B and don't get impaled along the way" platformer. Quick, responsive controls; Instant Respawn and the ability to play with up to 3 other players is the core of RTAG rise

[previewyoutube=U8XVawxg_fw;full][/previewyoutube] A quick video snippet of the progress made on building Godot Engine. Lots of tiles, decorative elements, lighting and mechanics being ported and made new. As the matter of fact I believe as of yesterday, the last of the original mechanics have been finally ported over to the new Godot Engine version of the game. Which means this bit of progress concludes any involvement of the game with Game Maker Studio engine. It's all up from here. It took some time to figure out the process and scheduling of how I'm going to work on this project but progress is progress. All obstacles are built in a modular manner so after the initial commitment to code in the feature, making new levels is as simple as drag and drop and link a few objects if needed. Godot engine sure makes rapid level building a breeze when you can code in whatever features you need as tool scripts. All voice overs for one of three characters have been recorded. And the dialogue system has been overhauled. All of these things are internal improvements and players wouldn't really notice a difference but I mention it nonetheless.