Reactivating Luna Sky RDX on Steam?

Luna Sky RDX

Momentum...speed! Physics puzzles and robots. Bounce? Explore? Dash? Swing? Skate? Fly? ...and blow things up? Yes!

[h2]The following has happened:[/h2] [list] [*] We removed "Luna Sky RDX" from sale on Steam because we finally deciced we don't have the time to work on the additional features originally planned in the Early Access goals - time attack and extra levels. (See below for a longer explanation.) [*] Customers affected by this were offered compensation and those who asked for it have received it. (No one did ask actually.) [*] We expected the removal process to be without any reaction, but instead we've received a lot of support for putting the game back up for sale, as-is. [*] A fair amount of brain storming took place between us and the community, greatly helping us in the decision making. Thanks for all the support! [*] After further discussions with Valve we reached the conclusion that it would be possible to put the game back up. [/list] [h2]Applications for compensation for missed Early Access goals[/h2] [list] [*] Is now closed as of August 1, 2022. [/list] [h2]So, with this in mind, we propose the following:[/h2] [list] [*] Putting Luna Sky RDX back again for sale on Steam as-is with the same price (inflation has eaten away at it a bit anyway). [*] Release a patch which fixes a few bugs. (This is already finished and tested.) [*] Transition out of Early Access to not give false information about the promised extra features. [*] Put a disclaimer as a special section on the Store Page (above the description) with hopefully a link to this news article. The important message being that the game isn't actively developed. [*] Hard to guess how much time this process will take, but you are informed about the goal. [/list] [h2]Early Access missed goals[/h2] [list] [*] At least 50% of the reason for us to release in Early Access was to fix big issues with the story-driven game. We consider this part of the goals fulfilled. With the final patch we think the game is in pretty good shape. The user base hasn't been huge, so there can still be issues, but we've spent a lot of time ourselves testing the game. [*] We consider the story driven part of the game to be finished, it is as good as we can get it with the time and tools we have. [*] The time attack extra levels are always an option later on even if we're not in Early Access, but for the time being we don't plan on making those. [/list]