
Crimson Imprint plus -Nonexistent Christmas-

This is a story about her and him. This is also a story about meeting and parting. Perhaps it is a very simple story. It may be a very complicated story. A simple FAREWELL ...... And not a grand farewell. If you can feel the joy and sorrow we pour in, it is a great encouragement to us.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31202713/770a50a1b9b97dc4180b1ec3b67422c9132989c7.jpg[/img] https://store.steampowered.com/app/1086680/ 各位亲爱的玩家久等了! H组新作《紫罗兰rE:》现已公开[url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1086680/][u][b]商店页面[/b][/u][/url]! 《紫罗兰rE:》讲述了杜林之子杜浩的故事。在一个名为霜落的小镇上会上演什么样的故事呢?快来加入愿望单掌握《紫罗兰rE:》的最新动态吧! 游戏特色: ※多分支多周目叙事 ※多女主结局 ※感动人心的爱情 想了解更多作品信息以及游戏背后的制作故事可以来我们的[url=https://weibo.com/p/1006061851500983]微博[/url]跟我们互动哦!