Railbreak Launches December 22nd! Stream TONIGHT Nov 17 at 7PM!


Dinosaurs have returned in this retro survival horror crisis.

[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images/33023292/1371e83632ac19c701ef0f8f827221a13b05b964.png[/img] Hello Survivors! Just a quick note today to let you know that [b]Railbreak[/b] is officially launching on [b]December 22nd[/b] for $19.99 USD worldwide! We're super excited for our action-packed on-rails shooter! Remember that on PC platforms, [b]Railbreak[/b] has optional support for [b]Sinden Lightguns[/b], so you can immerse yourself in Cypress Ridge just like the good old days! We will also be streaming tonight, [b]November 17th, at 7PM ET[/b] on [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deaddropstudios]our Twitch channel[/url]! Tune in to see new [b]Railbreak[/b] gameplay! We'll also be giving away a special demo for [b]Railbreak[/b], so stop in to see all the latest news and gameplay! Tune in here: [url=http://www.twitch.tv/deaddropstudios]http://www.twitch.tv/deaddropstudios[/url] Until next time Survivors, take care!