Rage in Peace Won Game Prime's Game of the Year Award

Rage in Peace

Rage in Peace is a story-driven action adventure with elements of surprise and memorization. Unravel the last day of Timmy's life, as he races against time to get back home and fulfill his sole dream of dying peacefully in his pajamas, in the warmth of home, in peace, and with no drama.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/32007488/c0874ce521b97e1e59b1df8a237736c418a695f5.jpg[/img] Earlier this month on Game Prime Awards 2019, Rage in Peace won the "Game of the Year" award. Meaning that the story-driven action adventure game will have the opportunity to be showcased at GameStart 2019—Southeast Asia's Premier Game Convention. "We feel honored that people, especially those from the local gaming industry, appreciate our work," said Dominikus D. Putranto, Rage in Peace's game director & programmer, "we hope that more people could enjoy the game as well as we are showing it at a regional level." Game Prime Awards is part of Game Prime 2019, an annual event hosted by the Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (BEKRAF). The event took place in the capital city of Jakarta and featured some of the best games made by local developers; from mobile game, PC game to board game. There were four awards categories presented there, including Best Booth, Citizen Choice, Tabletop Game of the Year, and Game of the Year.