R-Type Final 2 blasts off and into crowdfunding

R-Type Dimensions EX

R-Type and R-Type II, the legendary coin-op space shooters, are now together on Steam!

The classic R-Type series is on the way back, or at least it will be if ex-Irem developers Granzella can raise 45,000,000 ( 328,894, roughly) on Kickstarter to develop R-Type Final 2. Development is headed up by a team of original R-Type series veterans, including director/producer Kazuma Kujo. They’ve got the old band back together on their mission to dethrone Final Fantasy as king of the inaccurately named games. Unlike other crowdfunded revivals, Granzella have been an active studio for a while, too. Below, a trailer featuring some very early in-game footage.
