Quintus and the Absent Truth is a Horror-Adventure game featuring a Man and his Mouse. A story-rich game with a unique art style, fun puzzles and an adorable little companion, your new best friend, Quintus.
[h2]Quintus and the Absent Truth - Chapter Four: Astray - OUT NOW[/h2]
[h2][b]Not only is Chapter Four Out Now, but it's FREE![/b][/h2]
That's right, to thank you for all your support so far on Quintus's journey, Chapter Four is free, if you already own Chapter Two and Three. Simply head to Steam, update the game, and as long as you have Chapters Two and Three installed, Chapter Four will pop up in the menu ready for you to continue this adventure.
Sadly though, this does come with an announcement, Chapter Four will be the final chapter of 'Quintus and the Absent Truth.' After much deliberation I decided that the story that we are telling here, would fit better in Four chapters, rather that dragging it out into Five. You'll understand when you play, it just felt right to finish here.
That doesn't mean the journey is over though, I am currently working on a 'Complete Edition' of this tale, that will come with updated graphics, bug fixes and some very exciting suprises.
More will be announced soon, but for now, enjoy Chapter Four and thank you for all your support thus far 🐭