Quickfix for Farming/Bunker V1 - 0.290

Mon Bazou

Build your crappy vehicle into a race car, install the parts yourself. Make money by cutting wood, racing at night or delivering pizza. Maybe you want to manage a sugar shack or build yourself a big garage?

COOL, I GUESS - You can now paint your home & garage - Change the dealer building color, was way too white BUGS - Rebind the "E" key to something else now works - Lights problem in the bunker right after it's completed (+ Bug with dying fast) - Cottage compost machine bug when trying to pack a fertilizer - Fertilizer reservoir in bunker weird glow when empty & was visually full just after the bunker was built - Main menu music can't be muted - Small section of ground outside, near player's house has no collider - Compost Machine in bunker lid clip on a pipe when open - Changed the message to unlock the dealer because it was confusing - Spawn problem of huge pack when selling big packs at the dealers - Not supposed to be able to get friendship from Dealers