A 2.5D horror game inspired by Clock Tower and Fatal Frame, mixing cyberpunk with traditional Cantonese folklore. With careful attention to pacing, atmosphere and storytelling, Sense hopes to return the horror genre to its roots by celebrating visceral horror and the slow, fearful creep of dread.
Hi everyone,
Publisher here again, we're dropping in to give a quick update regarding the status of the game. The developers at SUZAKU have been hard at work on the patch, and have updated us with a significant amount of patch notes, changes, and fixes. However, before making it live, we wanted to take a bit of extra time to QA the build on our end as well.
Secondly, you may have noticed despite our last update, the game remains on sale. We had reached out to Valve and requested they remove the game from sale,but unfortunately due to Steam policy, we were unable to do so. That said, the game remains on sale, but we added a new section to the homepage above the description for now, explaining the current state of the game. Thus, the game will remain on sale, but we still do not recommend buying it until the patch comes out.
We are looking to get the patched version of the game out this week, likely by mid-week. We will have a full fix log posted here. However, for those wondering, among other fixes we have updated the save system, adding in both quicksaves and autosave checkpoints, fixed multiple controller/keyboard issues, fixed multiple interaction chains and bugs, fixed the elevator sequence, added additional tutorials & prompts. and fixed numerous bugs throughout the game. We will release a full list when we push the patch.
Thank you again to everyone who has continued to stick by the game despite the launch issues. We hope that the upcoming patch will better the game for you. We hope we will see you again when the patch launches later this week.