Questr Launches 10/27


Manage a party of personalities on epic (and goofy) quests. Swipe right on who you like. Swipe left on who you don't. Watch out for liars and be careful how you spend your gold! Of course there's plenty of exciting encounters along the way. Can you keep everyone happy while turning a nice profit?

Hi Everyone, We're very excited to announce that Questr will transition from Early Access to Release on October 27th. Included in the launch patch is the new Wandering Merchant feature. The Merchant has a random chance of mysteriously appearing on a Story Path with 3 random tickets and/or contracts that change up gameplay. The tickets and contracts offer trade offs to things like number of swipes and starting morale. Tickets are good only for the next quest, while Contracts last the entirety of the Story Path. In our internal testing we've really been enjoying this new feature and we think players will too. Also included in the launch patch is the new Encounter Profile cards. Each Encounter type will have its own personality trait as well as some likes and dislikes. The traits and likes/dislikes are meant to offer some hints as to which Questr in the party might have an idea on how to deal with that particular Encounter. We're also happy to announce that Female Questrs are finally included. The female characters are functionally exactly the same as the male characters. While we weren't happy that we had to push their implementation back a bit, since they worked exactly the same, delaying their release allowed our artist time to get to other sorely needed assets such as the new Encounter art without impacting our ability to test the game. Speaking of art updates, there are also several major art improvements included in the launch patch. Character Portraits received a huge touch up. As well as the Summerland and Desolate Plains maps. For those that maybe haven't checked in on Questr in a while there are several other major features that have been implemented in the last few weeks that you might not know about: [list] [*]The Fork in the Road system offers players a choice on Encounter types they will run into next on their current quest. [*]The Camp Upgrade system has been totally overhauled to allow players to customize their current Story Path run to their own play style. [*]The Experience system also received an update. There are a few character personalities that are now unlocked upon reaching certain levels. [*]And in a related feature, the Personalidex offers players some insight into what personalities do/don't get along, after you've uncovered their interactions. [*]Finally, as always there are tons of minor art improvements, as well as bug fixes sprinkled throughout the game. [/list] Finally we want to take a moment to thank each one of you that have chosen to join us on our quest (see what I did there?) from Early Access to Release. I think its safe to say that the final game would have looked very different without your input and the game is much better off for it. As always, Thanks for playing! The Mutant Entertainment Studios Team