Quake On! Non-Linear Quake 4 Campaign False Dawn

Quake 4

As part of the elite Rhino Squad, you must spearhead Earth’s military invasion of a hostile alien homeworld. But, in this desperate war for humanity’s survival against an unrelenting enemy, you may discover that the only way to defeat them...is to become one of them.

You're damn right that's a rusty corridor.

While QuakeCon rages away in Texas, gibsters stuck at home might feel a little left out. Chin up, little buddy: Quake’s coming to you. After missing its plan to launch during QCon 2013, Quake IV single-player mod False Dawn has launched alongside this year’s fragging festivities. It brings a new story with 90-120 minutes of non-linear Strogg-shooting and a few tweaks to good old Q4.

Its single-player side was pretty good fun, from what I remember, so sure, maybe I will revisit that so very brown and frightful planet of meaty cyborgs this weekend.

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