The nefarious Overlord Void Dark seeks to enslave countless Netherworlds...and only the young demon Killia can stop him! Assemble your tenacious army of rebels and unleash vengeance in this hell-raising adventure! The stakes are high, the damage cap is higher, and the destruction is limitless!
For a limited time, [i]Disgaea 5 Complete[/i] will be available for 25% off as part of our NISA Publisher Weekend Sale! This sale is going on NOW and ends Monday, November 19, so take advantage of these great deals while they last!
You can find this title, along with deals for many other great titles, on the [url=]NIS America main page[/url]!
Additionally, we have added Korean and Traditional Chinese language support to [i]Disgaea 5 Complete[/i], bringing the total language support to 5. Please enjoy [i]Disgaea 5 Complete[/i] in English, French, Japanese, Korean or Traditional Chinese!