Project Tarvotan - Community Content Update #3 (Coming Soon)

We're proud to announce that we will be releasing an update for Project Tarvotan as the holiday season arrives. We love recieving community feedback, and we currently have plans to integrate some greatly requested features into this update. One of the most requested features that we are currently in the process of integrating is a 'Saving/Loading' system. Many community members have requested this feature, so we are extremely proud to announce that we plan on including this feature in our upcoming update. A revised 'Heads Up Display' will also be included. This change is intended to clean up the current UI, and provide a fresh experience when intereacting with the HUD. Quests will be recieving a slight update. More quests will be included for each sector, and we'll be tweaking the process of accepting a quest to make it a little bit clearer. These are just some of the changes that we're planning. Everything that I mentioned here, I can confirm will make it into this update. There are also other addons, changes, and tweaks that we are going to try and include, but we are not currently able to confirm them for this update. These changes will also be listed in more detail in the official annoucement that we release when the update offically launches. As far as a timetable goes for this update, we are planning on releasing it within a few weeks. A rough date would be December 23rd, but it's extremely possible that we'll release it before then. As always, I want to thank everyone who has left feedback for Project Tarvotan, without suggestions from you, none of this would be possible, so we would like to thank you! I personally hope everyone has a great holiday season and we look forward to providing you with more information soon! Happy Holidays and Cheers!