"Project Aphotic" Set to Officially Launch on November 22, 2024

Project Aphotic

Players assume Lucien's perspective, unraveling the truth behind his coma and amnesia, while cultivating a relationship with Hugh. Throughout the game, choices shape the narrative, leading to diverse storylines and multiple endings.

Dear all, [h1][b]Our BL visual novel game, Project Aphotic, is scheduled to officially release on November 22, 2024 on Steam.[/b][/h1] What’s the truth behind Lucien's amnesia? How will Lucien and Hugh’s relationship develop? All will be revealed in the full version. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44814580/9fb6691762d0410c21d415dc2f5017a63b21f803.png[/img] In addition to the characters you already know—Lucien, Hugh, and Ceto—new characters will also make their appearance in the story. How will their presence affect the dynamics between the three at Lab A? Lastly, a reminder that the free demo of Project Aphotic is now available on Steam, allowing you to experience the first three chapters of the story. Add Project Aphotic to your wishlist today and get ready for the official launch on November 22!