Potential Black Screen Workaround for Help Wanted 2

Hi everyone! After few tests run internally, we've nailed down a [i]potential[/i] workaround to the black screen issues! First and foremost, please ensure that you are trying to launch the game through SteamVR and/or Quest Link as those are the only two 'launchers' we officially support at this time. [b]Now to the workaround:[/b] 1. Right-click [i][b]Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2[/b][/i] in your library > select "Properties..." 2. In the 'General' tab, find the text box underneath 'Launch Options' 3. Enter the text "[b]-hmd=SteamVR[/b]" ([b]without[/b] the quotes) 4. Relaunch [i][b]Five Nights at Freddy's: Help Wanted 2[/b][/i] Overall, we are investigating this issue so that a workaround is not necessary in the future. In addition, we've noticed that some folks have used "-openvr" in the Launch Options as a working solution as well, but that hasn't worked on our end. Let us know if either of these has helped! Thank you all! Steel Wool Studios