Post-Update Hotfix #1 is Now Live


Storyteller is an award-winning puzzle game about building stories. Start with a title, settings and characters and create a story that fits the story’s description. Play with stories of love, intrigue, crime, monsters, betrayal, and more!

[h3]The first post-update hotfix is now available. It addresses some common bugs, improves bookmark navigation, and more. Full patch notes:[/h3] [list] [*] Bookmark navigation has been improved. [*] Added a mechanism to repeat achievement uploads if they fail. If you believe the game missed an achievement, run it again after updating. [*] Added more animations to Edgar in the mirror, characters in the dungeon, vampires, Prince Charming with frogs, and the Queen with the Knight. [*] Subgoal solutions in multi-goal levels are now clickable too. This will reveal a valid solution for a previously-solved puzzle. [*] Improved feedback in devil levels. [*] Major Fix: Stamps should (hopefully) no longer disappear under any circumstances! [*] Fix: achievement timing has been improved to help Steam show notifications in a timely manner. [*] Fix: removed a bad solution for "Queen beheads all men." [*] Fix: removed a bad solution to "Spouses reject each other." [*] Fix: stopped the detective from shooting the Devil. [*] Fix: occasional crown unlock bug has been fixed. [*] Fix: Improved Duke's behavior, as he was being too gullible about the toy gun. [*] Levels Removed: "Queens suffers four tragedies" and "Resurrection" have been temporarily removed while they are being fixed. Expect them to be added back into the game soon. [/list] [h3]It's been great seeing so many of you get back into Storyteller with yesterday's update. Thanks for playing![/h3]