10mg is a collection of 10 minute long games. SNAAAK is a short Snakevania about encarnating a formless critter delving into the bowels of a bleak complex.
Just wanted to give a heads up;
We're ecstatic to see that the game gathered a moderate audience and most of you are calling this a "prelude" ;)
This was meant to be a simple and tiny project that could be forgotten after release, but it seems like a lot of people see potential for a bigger game here. We do as well.
I can't promise our next release will be a fully fledged SNAAAK, but we're planning on making it either way. We make things at our own pace, so it will take a while, but I'm positive we'll announce something around next year. It will be bigger, of course.
Thanks a lot to Wombat, and all the good fellas at 10mg and NotSoSolo, I'd definitely feel be very solo if it wasn't for the awesome community I got into this year. I was going to be stuck in some boring (yet probably much more profitable) job if it wasn't for their philosophy and making me fully passionate about games; I'm now hooked with making games and stuff.
I feel like I've been finding myself lately, and SNAAAK was a big step towards it. I can't wait to find where the next one is hiding.
<3<3<3 XOXO