Utopia Must Fall

Defend humanity's last surviving metropolis from mysterious alien machinations in this challenging base-defense arcade shooter. Featuring rapid upgrade progression, procedurally generated attack waves, dark humor and laser-sharp aesthetics.

Hello all, Now that the dust has settled from launch, we can have a big exhale and figure out what's next for Utopia Must Fall. A lot of great suggestions and feedback so far... A lot of you have echoed what we already planned to do: more variety in the early game, and more ways to kick ass in the late game. Those things are top priority, but we'd also like to add controller & deck support, new enemies, etc. We'll figure out the right order of things in time. The lead dev (Datassette) also [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2849680/discussions/0/4760956432761723157/][b]posted a message on the forums[/b][/url] that is worth checking out! if you didn't read it, the main takeaway is that he crunched like mad to get the game launched and needs a little decompression time. He'll be back on the updates soon enough though. In the meantime I'll be engaging with players and helping to figure out what's priority for the next round of updates. Here is our roadmap so far: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45013932/4f9a66d8ef9f7d278217554884410192f0439bdc.gif[/img] We expect this to change over time as new ideas emerge and players continue to give their thoughts. In summary, we are grateful for the support so far and we're glad people are enjoying it... this is only the beginning! Take care, [i]-Miles @ Pixeljam[/i]