Pleasure Party 2 Arrives on August 25th!

Get ready to create wild themed sex parties in exotic locations all around the world in Pleasure Party 2. [img][/img] In Pleasure Party 2, Tiffany is tasked with organizing lavish, extravagantly themed orgies in exotic locations. The orgy-creating fun is bigger and better than ever, with these features: [list] [*] Create up to 25 custom characters to participate in your sex parties. [*] Earn money based on the amount of pleasure generated by women AND men. [*] Set up orgies in 9 different large, exotic themes locations like the wild-wild-west or a science fiction space-base. [*] Place your characters into any of over 75 positions including oral and group positions, and special positions specific to each location. [*] Add decorative and useful props and objects to your scene to enhance your orgy. [*] Save up to 5 parties in each location, to return to the fun later. [*] Use "Skill points" to manage each of your characters' skills, making them generate more pleasure. [/list] Pleasure Party 2 takes the orgy-tastic fun of the first Pleasure Party to the next level. Add it to your wishlist now!