Playtest Version 0.05 Notes


Siphonogore is a Hemothematic Turn-Based Roguelike Dungeon Crawler. The world is meat; calloused and rotten. Within the hollow husk of a sleeping god a war rages for the source of its power. Control a cobbled together creature of obscure origin, a self-made successor, here to take what is yours.

Another day another patch - I hope everyone is enjoying the playtest so far, keep that feedback coming! [b]Bug Fixes[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a bug where status effects weren't properly displaying values [/list] [b]Updates[/b] [list] [*] Changed how status effects display abnormality data - Abnormalities now consolidate information by stat and by values increased/decreased, similar to how bleed or regeneration shows the damage and turn count of the instances. [/list] [b]Modified The Hive Mind Fight[/b] Feedback around the Hive Mind lead me to do a little digging on making things more intuitive - it should be clearly communicated to you how a fight can be progressed, and unfortunately the Hive Mind was not doing that. I had initially envisioned the fight as a struggle to keep smacking down enemies, a priority whack-a-mole. However, The Mawsquitos are too bulky, and the thresholds are a little low. I've made sweeping stat and behavior changes and tweaked some combat stills for the fight. [b]Mawsquito has undergone a general nerf[/b] [list] [*]Bone Reduced to 15 [*]Sinew Reduced to 10 [*]HP Reduced to 100 [*]Fluids Reduced to 10 [*]Resistance to remission has been increased [*]Pollinate now Heals its Target [*]Pollinate HP buff reduced to +40 HP [/list] Mawsquito was the catalyst for the negative aspects - acting as a formidable foe rather than a spammable nuisance severely limited how many of them could exist before things became grating. making it weaker made it a bit easier to justify throwing a bunch at the player. [b]Hive Mind has undergone a side-grade and a behavior change[/b] [list] [*]Bone and Sinew Increased to 400 [*]Mass Reproduction no longer heals targets [*]Mass Reproduction now only targets 1 enemy [*]Mass Reproduction now reduces Hive Mind's Fatigue by 2 [*]Mass Reproduction artwork updated [*]Bloom targeting has been updated [*]Bloom now Heals targets [*]Bloom Now provides a large, near-permanent stat buff to targets: +75 HP +15 Sinew +10 Bone +20% Fluids +20% Trauma (99) [*]Bloom artwork updated [*]Frenzy Pheromones Fluids and Trauma buff reduced to 50% [*]Frenzy Pheromones duration increased to (99) [*]Steroid Sacs modified to only provide +50 HP [*]Steroid Sacs duration increased to (99) [*]Threshold to trigger bloom increased from 4 to 8 [/list] Hive Mind's flow was meant to fit a "focus the minions, now focus the big thing" push and pull - initial designs really didn't do it justice. giving the buffs and bloom state more staying power ups its priority a large amount, giving the player more of a reason to focus it down.