Playtest Patch 0.2.2

Hell Survivors Playtest

[u]Patch notes:[/u] [list] [*] Refined move speeds, knockback and velocity curves to give the player more control an make enemies more forgiving (for instance enemies now take a little bit longer to change directions). [*] Boss now has a zone visual feedback when he charges [*] Tweaked Boss behaviour and reduced fire circle radius [*] Suicide Bombers now have a different color (making them easier to spot among the crowd) [*] Increased size and speed of Holy Flail [*] Changed behaviour of bullets generated by the "Splinter" upgrade. [*] After unlocking a tier 2 upgrade in a tree, the next proposed upgrade can be either the tier 3 or the other tier 2 (was always tier 3 first before patch) [*] Added a sound when enemies are hit [*] Changed various upgrade stats to refine balancing [*] Added a short cooldown to player taking damage (two enemies can't hit at the same time anymore) [/list]