Playism Live Stream: Potato Flowers in Full Bloom

Potato Flowers in Full Bloom

Explore an underground labyrinth in search of mythical seeds in this 3D dungeon crawler RPG! Leaving things to chance will prove fatal🌱Explore underground labyrinths, expanding your range of actions as you go🌿Light up the path, defeat those in front of you, grow stronger, and unravel the mysteries

Showcasing our newest PLAYISM title [i]Potato Flowers in Full Bloom[/i] LIVE!!! PLAYISM's first in-house English stream! Please join us to enjoy our new release and chat with us! We will be talking about the developrer key points of his title, as well as showing the gameplay streamed by one of our employees! We are truly excited for this event and hope you can join us!!! Link to the giveaway: [h1]PLAYISM[/h1] [url=]Visit the PLAYISM Website[/url] [url=]Follow us on Steam[/url] [url=]Follow us on Twitter[/url] [url=]Follow us on Facebook[/url] [url=]Follow us on Discord[/url] [url=]Check out our blog[/url]