Play the Devs & Another Patch

Steamalot: Epoch's Journey

Steamalot is a medieval steampunk tactical card game. As a player you build a deck of characters, skills, and equipment. During a game players play characters onto a battlefield. Then those characters maneuver around the field in turn based combat.

[h1]Hey There! [/h1] We're glad to see that everyone has been enjoying the game. Now that people have had a chance to get through some (or all) of the game, we want to invite you to play us! We have been working to get a few more edge case bugs out of the system and next week want you to take us on. The four main members of the Risen Phoenix Team will be on at various times to take on all challengers from Monday through Saturday (September 21st through the 26th) . Below you will find our user names, when we'll be on, and what to expect from us in matches. Just use the "Add Friend" function in the PvP lobby and insert our player names. Then challenge us to a match. [list] [*]Mark: Co-Owner and Programmer "Uhhnoclue" Monday - Thursday, 9am - 11am EST, Medium-hard build, high defense [*]Kat: Lead Artist "SpookyGoldfish" 2pm - 4pm EST, Basic deck for the spooky soul. [*]Sean: Co-Owner and Designer "Corlix" 10am - 7pm EST (1pm-6pm on Saturday), All bards all the time/random deck build. [*]Mike: Co-Owner "RadarMike" Monday 10am-3pm, Tuesday- Thursday 11am-3pm EST, most relentless deck build. [/list] We hope to see you on and if you have a specific time you wanna play just let us know and we'll try to accommodate. ~Cheers!