Space Tek

SPACE TEK, Command, Construct, Collect!Space Tek is an exciting free to play online starship combat game. Players build their dream ships out of a range of unique blocks, and tailor their ships. Then put the ships to the test alongside or against players and Ai in a multitude of gamemodes!

[h1]It's Here! [/h1] Its finally time to take flight and battle it out to see who is best. Simple hop on in now, take your parts and build a ship from bottom to top. Don't forget though to build up your defences you don't want your friends or foes to wipe you out too quickly! We have tones more blocks, features and game modes coming in the future so don't get too excited all at once as we'll be bringing them as we move forward though early access. That also means if you think something could be improved or changed, let us know we would love to know and learn where we could learn and improve! [h2]So lets do this, Tekkers Take Flight![/h2]